Pope Theater Booster Club

Our Theater Booster Club is the organization that supports our theater students and includes all parents.  It allows the Directors to focus on developing the talents of our students by coordinating activities and by providing additional resources where necessary.  We work closely with the directors, who are also members of the Booster Board, to assist them in whatever way possible.

Our Board

Our Board is made up of hard-working individuals working together for a common goal. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in open board positions? Contact us!


  • President - Heather Woodruff 
  • Vice President  - Bryan Powers 
  • Secretary - Stephanie Soto
  • Treasurer - Inna Boyd
  • Members-at-Large: Audrey Piekut-Thaiss, Silke Shilling, Adam Shilling, Ashley Kern, Bronson Lee
  • Program Director: Rachel Jones